Collage of Halloween-decorated doors and a groCollage of Halloween-decorated doors and a group in costumes.up in costumes.

A look back at the CREW Halloween Door Decorating and Elementary Trick-Or-Treating!

Elementary students showed off their costumes and Halloween Spirit while trick-or-treating their way through the high school.

Each crew worked on their different doors with the themes they chose for the hallway trick-or-treat with the elementary students 

Mrs. Robison - Beetlejuice

Mr. Robison- The Great Pumpkin

Mrs. England- Bluey

Mrs. Newton-  Dia de los Muertos

Mrs. Plyley- Curious George

Mr. Kennedy- Frankenstein 

Mr. Dillingham- IT

EPCA- Graveyard

Mrs. Offut- Hocus Pocus